Company details, activities, locations, contacts, financials and reviews for 3PBIOVIAN.
Main company details for 3PBIOVIAN.
3PBIOVIAN service offering includes microbial and mammalian protein expression platforms, viral vector production for adenoviruses and adeno-associated viruses, cell therapy, and plasmid DNA production, with the provision for fill and finish services for recombinant proteins and viral vectors. Leveraging a combined track record of 40 years in process development and analytical methods development, complemented by the experience in process scale-up, GMP manufacturing, and commercial supply, 3PBIOVIAN is equipped to offer comprehensive manufacturing services at all stages, encompassing Drug Substance and Drug Product. Manufacturing sites in Pamplona-Noáin, Spain, and Turku, Finland seamlessly support the diverse needs of clients, covering pre-clinical and clinical supply to full-scale commercial manufacturing.
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